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Mantra for Connecting to Higher Self - Aades Tisay Aades(iv) | DAY32 of 40 DAY SADHANA

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Mantra for Connecting to Higher Self - Aades Tisay Aades(iv) | DAY32 of 40 DAY SADHANA

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Mantra for Connecting to Higher Self - Aades Tisay Aades(iv)


Āsaṇ lo▫e lo▫e bẖandār.

Jo kicẖẖ pā▫i▫ā so ekā vār.

Kar kar vekẖai sirjaṇhār.

Nānak sacẖe kī sācẖī kār.

Āḏes ṯisai āḏes.

Āḏ anīl anāḏ anāhaṯ jug jug eko ves.


The Higher Self is that part of us that connects us directly to the spiritual realms. It is eternal, infinitely wise and transcends our everyday consciousness. It is connected with the Universe-Mother Nature as it is a part of it.

Each of us is connected with the Higher Self when we are born; but while living in this world ,we lose our consciousness about this higher self & our conscious minds fail to understand & remain connected with this true self.This is the power that all the great geniuses, Scientists like Einstein & Spiritual leaders have been able to remain connected. It is that Spiritual,Ethereal Realm reaching where, we are at Peace-Calm,it is an experience of self realisation which is full of joy, where there is no jealousy, no enemity ,all around there is Love,truth & joy-there is no worry,no hurry & no sorrow-It is an indescribable experience.Once you are able to reach or attain or are re-connected with this higher self ,you are all powerful,truthful,joyous,loving;all beings on this earth are now your brethren ;it is a state of mind,it moulds your perception,your outlook towards life-It is art of living-it is the wisdom when you acquire this,the control key is in your hand.

Here are a few steps to be re-connected to your Higher self:

Have faith that you have a Higher Self to establish communication with! Then EXPECT every day that this communication will improve as you focus diligently on inner growth.So set a goal to achieve contact with the Higher Self, review that goal daily, and maintain your purpose with determination until success is yours.

You also need to make a conscious effort to change your outlook towards life,towards world,which so far has been totally materialistic.

Make regular time for yourself where you can be totally alone. A quiet place is preferable. Just sit quietly with no expectations ;Give time and space to the inner voice to make itself heard. MEDITATE_In meditation, with meditation music at the background,you work to discipline your mind and silence the internal chatter that constantly fill it. Have an Inner Dialogue with your Higher Self at least for forty days; then it’ll be your part & will be there with you all the time without conscious effort. It will be “YOU” then; the “Changed You”.During your dialogue with yourself,say to yourself “My Higher Self wants me to know that I’m powerful,I am fearless because I’m on the right path,I need not fear, I don’t have any guilt, I live in the Present”.Let go all negative thoughts.

This Beautiful Mantra talks about that Higher Self.Let’s chant & meditate

Parts Video Background sourced via videezy.com
Meaning sourced via SikhDharma.org, Sikhwiki.org & Srigranth.org

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ध्यान - Meditation
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