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Mantra for FREEDOM - Asankh Jap | DAY18 - 40 DAY SADHANA

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FREEDOM Mantra - Asankh Jap | DAY18 of 40 Day Sadhana

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Mantra for FREEDOM - Asankh Jap


Asaʼnkẖ jap asaʼnkẖ bẖā▫o.
Countless meditations, countless loves.

Asaʼnkẖ pūjā asaʼnkẖ ṯap ṯā▫o.
Countless worship services, countless austere disciplines.

Asaʼnkẖ garanth mukẖ veḏ pāṯẖ.
Countless scriptures, and ritual recitations of the Vedas.

Asaʼnkẖ jog man rahahi uḏās.
Countless Yogis, whose minds remain detached from the world.

Asaʼnkẖ bẖagaṯ guṇ gi▫ān vīcẖār.
Countless devotees contemplate the Wisdom and Virtues of the Lord.

Asaʼnkẖ saṯī asaʼnkẖ ḏāṯār.
Countless the holy, countless the givers.

Asaʼnkẖ sūr muh bẖakẖ sār.
Countless heroic spiritual warriors, who bear the brunt of the attack in battle (who with their mouths eat steel).

Asaʼnkẖ mon liv lā▫e ṯār.
Countless silent sages, vibrating the String of His Love.

Kuḏraṯ kavaṇ kahā vīcẖār.
How can Your Creative Potency be described?

vāri▫ā na jāvā ek vār.
cannot even once be a sacrifice to You.

Ŧū saḏā salāmaṯ nirankār.
You, Eternal and Formless One.


Freedom is a state of mind, when we feel liberated from all fears, all insecurities of the world ; there is no fear of death, no fear of losing any relationship,of losing job,money,etc; it is a state of mind where we are no more slave to anger, greed, attachment and ego - because we are no more in the bondage and have learnt to fly in sky of freedom breaking the cage of limitlessness (finiteness) of body - Incapacities, inabilities, problems, stress trouble us because we think, feel and live in terms (bondage) of body ,but when we know &elevate ourselves & understand our Essential true self,which has the power & attributes of gods- which is beyond all fears and insecurities- then our body becomes a temple & no external forces can frighten us, not even death.

Then we understand that countless rituals, worships reading of scriptures and religious pathways austere practices can’t capacitate us to achieve that freedom of mind -We just need to go to the temple within.

So, let us chant this Mantra and while meditating achieve real freedom————-

Parts Video Background sourced via videezy.com
Meaning sourced via SikhDharma.org, Sikhwiki.org & Srigranth.org

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ध्यान - Meditation
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