Tiger Nageswara Rao: The first trailer of the film ‘Tiger Nageswara Rao’ was released on October 03. The action-packed trailer of the Pan-Indian film stars South superstar Ravi Teja in the lead. Also starring Nupur Sanon, Gayatri Bhardwaj, Jisshu Sengupta and Anupam Kher, the Vamsee directorial releases on October 20. The cast of the upcoming movie shared some candid moments talking about the film .
#TigerNageswaraRao #raviteja #nupursanon
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#TigerNageswaraRao #raviteja #nupursanon
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- Category
- मनोरंजन - Entertainment
- Tags
- tiger nageswara rao, ravi teja new movie, ravi teja
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