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???? Song Credits:
Song: Baby Ko Bass Pasand Hai
Singers: Vishal Dadlani, Shalmali Kholgade, Isheeta, Badshah
Music: Vishal and Shekhar
Lyrics: Irshad Kamil
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???? Movie Credits:
Movie: Sultan
Starring: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma
Writer-Director: Ali Abbas Zafar
Producer: Aditya Chopra
Music: Vishal and Shekhar
Lyrics: Irshad Kamil
Director of Photography: Artur Zurawski
Release Date: 06 July 2016
Watch all videos from the film ‘Sultan’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPxqcq6Byq0&list=PLcVfz1-_0rj-xTCuqFcCqMrk_2KfUfUSp&index=2&t=0s
Sultan is a story of Sultan Ali Khan - a local wrestling champion with the world at his feet as he dreams of representing India at the Olympics.
It’s a story of Aarfa - a feisty young girl from the same small town as Sultan with her own set of dreams.
When the 2 local wrestling legends lock horns, romance blossoms and their dreams and aspirations become intertwined and aligned.
However, the path to glory is a rocky one and one must fall several times before one stands victorious - More often than not, this journey can take a lifetime. Sultan is a classic underdog tale about a wrestler's journey, looking for a comeback by defeating all odds staked up against him. But when he has nothing to lose and everything to gain in this fight for his life match… Sultan must literally fight for his life.
Sultan believes he’s got what it takes… but this time, it’s going to take everything he’s got.
"Wrestling is not a sport it's about fighting what lies within"….. SULTAN
#yrfnewreleases #sultan #yrf #yashraj #yashrajfilms #yrfmovies #yrfmusic #yashchopra #adityachopra #babykobasspasandhai #salmankhan #anushkasharma #vishaldadlani #shalmalikholgade #isheeta #badshah #vishalshekhar #shekharravjiani #irshadkamil #aliabbaszafar
© Yash Raj Films Pvt. Ltd.
► Subscribe Now: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjeD2I8jwXg2l_nvXb_6Hzw ???? Stay updated!
???? Song Credits:
Song: Baby Ko Bass Pasand Hai
Singers: Vishal Dadlani, Shalmali Kholgade, Isheeta, Badshah
Music: Vishal and Shekhar
Lyrics: Irshad Kamil
Stay in the filmy loop:
► Like us on Facebook: Facebook/yrf
► Follow us on X: x.com/yrf
► Follow us on Instagram: Instagram/yrf
► Visit us on: yashrajfilms.com
???? Movie Credits:
Movie: Sultan
Starring: Salman Khan, Anushka Sharma
Writer-Director: Ali Abbas Zafar
Producer: Aditya Chopra
Music: Vishal and Shekhar
Lyrics: Irshad Kamil
Director of Photography: Artur Zurawski
Release Date: 06 July 2016
Watch all videos from the film ‘Sultan’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPxqcq6Byq0&list=PLcVfz1-_0rj-xTCuqFcCqMrk_2KfUfUSp&index=2&t=0s
Sultan is a story of Sultan Ali Khan - a local wrestling champion with the world at his feet as he dreams of representing India at the Olympics.
It’s a story of Aarfa - a feisty young girl from the same small town as Sultan with her own set of dreams.
When the 2 local wrestling legends lock horns, romance blossoms and their dreams and aspirations become intertwined and aligned.
However, the path to glory is a rocky one and one must fall several times before one stands victorious - More often than not, this journey can take a lifetime. Sultan is a classic underdog tale about a wrestler's journey, looking for a comeback by defeating all odds staked up against him. But when he has nothing to lose and everything to gain in this fight for his life match… Sultan must literally fight for his life.
Sultan believes he’s got what it takes… but this time, it’s going to take everything he’s got.
"Wrestling is not a sport it's about fighting what lies within"….. SULTAN
#yrfnewreleases #sultan #yrf #yashraj #yashrajfilms #yrfmovies #yrfmusic #yashchopra #adityachopra #babykobasspasandhai #salmankhan #anushkasharma #vishaldadlani #shalmalikholgade #isheeta #badshah #vishalshekhar #shekharravjiani #irshadkamil #aliabbaszafar
© Yash Raj Films Pvt. Ltd.
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