Movie Title: "EK AUR LOAFER"
Genre: Indian Movie: Love-Drama
Starring: Vijay, Sneha, Vadivelu
Director: K. Selvabharthy
Music: S.A. Rajkumar
Year: 2003
Suraj (Vijay) comes to Chennai looking for a job. Viswanath (Nassar), being a very good friend of his father (Manivannan), invites him to his house and he becomes a part of their family. Vishwanath's daughter Priya (Sneha), who is engaged to another guy, hates Suraj initially but later starts to love him. She expresses her love. Even though Suraj loves her, he keeps a distance because he doesn't want to let down his father's friendship. Finally, her love is accepted by him and all of their family.
Movie Title: "EK AUR LOAFER"
Genre: Indian Movie: Love-Drama
Starring: Vijay, Sneha, Vadivelu
Director: K. Selvabharthy
Music: S.A. Rajkumar
Year: 2003
Suraj (Vijay) comes to Chennai looking for a job. Viswanath (Nassar), being a very good friend of his father (Manivannan), invites him to his house and he becomes a part of their family. Vishwanath's daughter Priya (Sneha), who is engaged to another guy, hates Suraj initially but later starts to love him. She expresses her love. Even though Suraj loves her, he keeps a distance because he doesn't want to let down his father's friendship. Finally, her love is accepted by him and all of their family.
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