During the promotions of Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas with Sunny Deol and Karan Deol at The Kapil Sharma show, Dharmendra revealed that he had once drunk dialed filmmaker Hrishikesh Mukherjee for casting Rajesh Khanna in Anand instead of him. He said, "Hrishida had told me a story on a flight, Anand. While coming from Bangalore, he said to me that "we were going to do this" and "we were going to do that...." And then later I found out that the movie had started rolling with Rajesh Khanna in the lead role". Dharmendra added, "I didn't let Hrishida sleep the whole night. I told him, "You were going to give me the role, you told me the story, then why did you give him the film?"
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